Trending Real Estate Infographics

Below is a list of some of our most popular real estate Infographics. Feel free to comment or share them socially if you enjoy them.

Purchasing a home is one of the largest decisions we can make in our lifetime. While it’s certainly an exciting experience, it can quickly feel a bit daunting if you haven’t done your homework before you set out on your house-hunting expedition. You’ve probably imagined your dream home numerous times before, size, rooms, the size of the room! Maybe you’re even so detailed that you’ve thought of what type of backsplash you’d like in your future kitchen. While all of those are important details to consider when beginning your home buying journey, we’ve compiled a list of the most important items that should go on anyone’s house hunting wishlist.

A helpful checklist to use when out viewing homes.

House Hunting Checklist: Infographic

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[Estimated read time: 4 minutes]

Not all firewood is created equally! Find what firewood is best for your home.

Cold weather is officially here and it looks like it will be sticking around for a while! This is the time of year when people enjoy staying inside and relaxing next to a warm fire. Before stocking up on firewood and lighting that fire - let's look at some of the best firewood for your home!

best types of firewood - Infographic.

Choosing the Best Firewood

The drier the firewood the better! Fresh cut wood, also known as “green wood” is not ideal. Unseasoned firewood smokes a lot more and is also a leading cause to creosote buildup - which can lead to chimney fires.

Different types of Firewood

Not all firewood is created equally. Understand what you are…

3738 Views, 0 Comments

Determining how much house you can afford can be tricky!

Many different things factor into the equation. Some of the most obvious are things like your income, how much of a down payment you'll need, your debt to income ratio, and of course your credit score. Below we cover a long list that highlights some of the other factors that help determine how much home you may be able to purchase. This can especially be helpful to first-time homebuyers who might be unsure what their budget may be.

How much house can I afford Infographic

How much home can I qualify for?

Looking further into the most important factors when it comes to how much house can you afford. Some people begin there search online maybe months, if not years in advance. So these numbers, of course, will fluctuate…

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[Estimated read time: 4 minutes]

Pricing a home can be tricky and can cost a homeowner thousands if not done correctly. Below we will quickly highlight some strategies to help you get started to help you understand how a professional may price your home correctly.

From searching for good comparable properties to using a specific pricing strategy. There are many different ways to find the market-based value of a home. Most homeowners do a pretty good job at keeping up with the activity in their neighborhood.

Here's how you can effectively price your home like a pro!

Step by step guide to pricing a home - Infographic

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[Estimated read time: 6 minutes]

Easy tips for Moving to new home

How to prepare for a successful move?

Moving can become hectic and stressful fast! Be sure not to procrastinate and get the process started as early as possible.

The average real estate transaction can take anywhere from 4-6 weeks. To help, we wanted you to get a head start! Below is an easy to follow infographic to use as a guide so you can have a successful moving day.

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<div style="clear:both"><img src="" title="Moving Tips: 36 Easy-to-Follow Tips & Ideas [INFOGRAPHIC]" alt="tips for a successful move" border="0" /></a></div><div>Courtesy of: <a…

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[Estimated read time: 6 minutes]

Tips to house hunting

Must Read: Easy to follow house hunting tips and tricks for homebuyers.

Every day there are countless homebuyers actively scouring neighborhoods looking for a new home. Often only noticing the homes general layout and appeal.

And possibly overlooking costly repairs that the home may need.

This is easy to follow guide will help point out what to look for when viewing a house.

When working with Buyers and viewing houses here in Louisville, KY and homes in Oldham County, KY - we always try to be observant of the less obvious things that can be easily missed when house hunting.

Of course, most of these things will be seen and recorded by the home inspector but pointing it out early leaves less…

9917 Views, 1 Comments

[Estimated read time: 6 minutes]

Group of homeowners on vacation

Summertime is one of the most popular times of the year for travels. Many families pack it up and head south for their annual summer vacation.

However, this could be a great time for Murphy's Law to pay you a visit.

Murphy's Law: “If something can go wrong, chances are, it will... and usually at the worst time.”

Below are some of the proper steps to take as a homeowner so your house is in better hands while you are away.

Checklist: How to Prepare Your House for Vacation

1. Put lamps on timers

Leaving the house dark all week may not be a good idea. If you haven't already, consider buying a couple timers for the lights in your house and have them set to automatically turn on at different…

5041 Views, 0 Comments

[Estimated read time: 6 minutes]

buying new construction blog post

A lot of new home buyers ask themselves the same question.

"Do I need a real estate agent when buying a new construction home?"

Below we will highlight why hiring a real estate agent may be in your best interest when buying a new home.

But first, ask yourself this.

Is it Worth Buying New Construction?

Some homebuyers may not weigh their options to find out exactly how much more it could cost them when purchasing a brand new home compared to settling for an older home.

To put things in perspective we took a quick glance at our local real estate market. We compared homes that sold in 2016 that were less than two years old vs homes that sold in 2016 that were more than five years old. This is what we…

20729 Views, 0 Comments

[Estimated read time: 8 minutes]

What does a Realtor do - blog post

We can all agree that a lot goes into the process of selling a home.

From start to finish it could easily take four to six months!

In order for a homeowner to truly maximize their profits, there is a lot of time and energy that is also required from the seller. Some sellers may wonder...what does a REALTOR® do to sell a home?

We decided to dig deep into the question and uncover some of the tasks that may be involved when it comes to selling your home and what your local Louisville real estate agent will do throughout the real estate transaction.

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[Estimated read time: 10 minutes]

Everybody remembers buying their first home. It is a timely process and requires careful planning to make the process a successful one. Chances are if you are a homeowner, you remember when you bought your first piece of real estate. It is an exciting and memorable experience.

In this article, we will go over the different steps involved and help guide you through the process and what you should expect before searching for Louisville homes for sale.

Complete Guide to buying your first house - Gifographic

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