Take a look at some of our most popular blog post geared specifically to help Buyers. Articles below are to be informational and great resources for anyone that is actively looking or even thinking about buying a home in the near future.

[Estimated read time: 6 minutes]

With unlimited access to new listings, valuable sold data, innovative online tools, and FAQs that can be found on most platforms -- the general public is now equipped with a wealth of information that they certainly deserve when making such a large purchase.

But is that enough?

Buyers can comprehensively get a good pulse on the local market but could mistakenly fumble through a transaction.

Why do I need to hire a Buyers agent?

Buying a home is a long process with many moving parts. If you're not careful - it could quickly become a disaster. The average American will move 11.7 times in their lifetime - or once every seven years. An established agent will easily sell 20+ homes - in a single year!

what does a buyers agent do - Infographic.

10590 Views, 2 Comments

Many people dream of building wealth. A goal that can seem more challenging and harder to achieve simply because of a lack of action. One of the strongest wealth-building vehicles over time has been the investment in Real Estate. Not just a dwelling, but specifically in the land itself. The history of real estate investing has surprisingly been traced back to caveman drawings and from the looks of it...it's not going anywhere soon.

Real Estate Investing Quotes

It is all around us, real estate is a major contributor to maintaining a healthy economy. Below are some of the most powerful quotes that can help inspire you to start investing.

  1. "The wise young man or wage earner of today invests his money in real estate." -Andrew Carnegie

228227 Views, 2 Comments

what does under contract mean

With so many people searching for homes online it can be confusing when you see the same home listed on multiple sites but they show a different status.

This is why one of the most common questions people ask is...

...is this home still available?

In real estate, some of the terminology can be used interchangeably which can just add to the confusion. One real estate website may have the home listed as contingent and then another may have it listed as pending.

Leaving home shoppers wondering - what is the difference between pending and contingent?

But first, lets look at when a home is first listed and the status of the home is 'Active'.

What does Active Status mean?

When a homeowner decides to sell their home and they list…

23037 Views, 0 Comments

[Estimated read time: 5 minutes]

What is Condominium?

A condominium is an individual unit that is within a larger building, similar to an apartment style building. As a condo owner, you are investing in a shared interest in a community with a group of other owners. An HOA governs and maintains the community and the common areas. Funded by a monthly maintenance fee that is collected from the residents living within the association.

How to Buy Your First Condo. Step by Step Infographic

Steps to Buying a Condo

Let's take a quick look at what to expect during the process of buying a condominium, a patio home, or even a townhome. These are all similar styles of properties and are usually categorized the same and present the same approach when analyzing a property.

1. Find an Agent (and Loan…

39958 Views, 15 Comments

This is a common question that runs through the minds of many homebuyers. Some may have even heard from either a family member or friend that they have purchased a home in the past without a Buyer's agent.

How is that possible?

Well, that's because you don't actually have to use an agent to purchase a property. In fact, every day people decide to navigate the home search, contract negotiation, appraisal, inspection, and all the nitty gritty details on their own. Truth be told, you can actually forgo using a buyer's agent. But as a Buyer, do you feel comfortable enough to go about it all on your own?

The expertise that an experienced and professional Buyers agent can bring to the table can be the difference between signing the dotted line on the…

1596 Views, 0 Comments

Buying and selling property and homes is a massive financial and often personal undertaking. Depending on which state you live in, the process can vary in how easy or difficult it may be. But what remains the same regardless of your zip code is how great of an asset working with a qualified real estate agent can be as opposed to navigating things all by yourself. Some real estate agents do a great job of marketing themselves through television, local ads, and the radio, but that does not mean that they are necessarily the most qualified or most skilled for the specific transaction you need them to assist you with. When looking for the best realtor for you, it is critical that you approach them very similar to how a prospective employer approaches a…

3420 Views, 0 Comments

Credit Karma score vs regular score header image

Credit Karma vs Actual Credit Score

When it comes to buying a home and getting pre-approved, one of the most important numbers is our credit score. This little three-digit number carries a world of importance and can have an impact on many things in our lives. Surprisingly, millions of adults do not actively monitor their credit scores and millions more don’t understand the importance of having a good score. If you are looking to develop solid financial habits and improve your financial health, learning where and how to monitor your credit score is an important first step in accomplishing these goals.

Credit Karma ranks towards the top of the list year after year when we discuss free services that allow users to monitor and help to understand…

5746 Views, 0 Comments

Purchasing a home is one of the largest decisions we can make in our lifetime. While it’s certainly an exciting experience, it can quickly feel a bit daunting if you haven’t done your homework before you set out on your house-hunting expedition. You’ve probably imagined your dream home numerous times before, size, rooms, the size of the room! Maybe you’re even so detailed that you’ve thought of what type of backsplash you’d like in your future kitchen. While all of those are important details to consider when beginning your home buying journey, we’ve compiled a list of the most important items that should go on anyone’s house hunting wishlist.

A helpful checklist to use when out viewing homes.

House Hunting Checklist: Infographic

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Determining how much house you can afford can be tricky!

Many different things factor into the equation. Some of the most obvious are things like your income, how much of a down payment you'll need, your debt to income ratio, and of course your credit score. Below we cover a long list that highlights some of the other factors that help determine how much home you may be able to purchase. This can especially be helpful to first-time homebuyers who might be unsure what their budget may be.

How much house can I afford Infographic

How much home can I qualify for?

Looking further into the most important factors when it comes to how much house can you afford. Some people begin there search online maybe months, if not years in advance. So these numbers, of course, will fluctuate…

13596 Views, 0 Comments

Sometimes the thought of buying a home can be intimidating and may also feel out of reach and unattainable. For whatever the reason, homeownership can actually be easier than expected. Below we highlight some home buyer myths you may want to ignore.

You have to put 20% down

Yes, some loans require you to put 20% down but depending on the qualifications...you may actually be able to purchase a home by putting down a lot less! Some loans will even allow you to put down as little as 3.5% down. Also, depending on the location, some rural housing loans even allow buyers to obtain 100% financing.

These can be great opportunities for first time home buyers that can not afford a large down payment, closing cost, and inspections. If you are unsure, it's…

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